Grizzly Bear Momma

Welcome! This is the blog of an American Momma, raising her kids the American way - which is the best way there is!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Why I am Anti-Tiger Mom

You might wonder why I find everything that Tiger Mom stands for so irritating. One of the main reasons that I dislike her is because she feels that the way Chinese women raise their children is better than the way US mothers are raising their children. Grant it, it is her opinion, the same way this blog is about mine. One thing American mothers are known for are protecting their babies. It is why I picked Grizzlybearmomma. No animal is quite as ferocious when it comes to protecting her babies as the grizzly bear, but I digress.

Tiger Mom states: that only A's are acceptable; that instruments must be practiced for three hours every night; that failure is not an option; that you do not spare your children's feelings; and that art and gym are not important. This last makes me wonder why China then felt the need to fake the ages of their gymnasts in the Olympics just to get their best players in there even though they were too young to compete. Basically what they have succeeding in doing is making a nation full of neurotics. Near 300,000 people in China commit suicide every year, most as a result of stress and depression. Compare the number in China to near 30,000 in the US. Most of the suicides in China are from women or college age students. They are launching a study to figure out why the college age students are committing suicide at such an alarming rate. Gee, I can't imagine.

Now I am not saying that Tiger Mom is all wrong. Don't let me lead you to believe that in the house where I grew up or where I am raising my children, that failure is an option. My children are straight A students. If one does occasionally fail a test, I know it is because they did not understand the concept. Were it because they were being lazy, then yes, they would be in trouble. However, it is possible to not understand something or to not grasp it. That is understandable and you work to attain the knowledge that you missed without the strain of paternal alienation. I also believe that kids should be kids. I let them play and encourage creativity in every way possible. I think most American Moms do. I do not think this is mollycoddling our children. I think it is developing well rounded individuals. I read that Tiger Mom also does not believe that BA's are an acceptable degree. Well lady, guess what? Without that BA there would be no one to educate your children. A degree in education is a BA.

My question for Tiger Mom is why do you live in the US? If you are not happy with the way US people live, care for and educate their children, why do you live in a cozy house in New Haven,CT and profit from the American way of life?

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