Grizzly Bear Momma

Welcome! This is the blog of an American Momma, raising her kids the American way - which is the best way there is!

Friday, February 11, 2011

I am an American Mom

Because of the recent popularity of a certain woman who hails from China and blogged about the way her children are raised, how she was raised and why that is the best manner of raising our children, I felt compelled to start my own blog. Call me the Anti-Tiger Mom if you will. The truth is that I cannot stand her, or everything she represents. I know there are those of you who follow her and think that she is the end all, be all of motherly wisdom. I don't take issue with you or your opinions. The beauty of living in this great country (that she is making money off of mind you) is that, I can say what I want to as well. I am guaranteed that right by the First Amendment: "Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion; or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech; or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble; and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

So what can I tell you about myself? I was born and raised in this wonderful country. I attended school here. I have a college degree. I am intelligent. I am creative. I am a free-thinker. I am independent. I had a career. I was an educator. I gave it up to become a mother, a role that I find to be the best one in life. I am attempting to begin a second career as a writer. I can read music. I can play an instrument (though I will never be a concert pianist). I have two wonderful children who are bright, creative, loving individuals. I am married to a wonderfully intelligent, caring, hard-working, successful, right-brained man. This is the amazing part. Are you ready? With all of this success, there is not one drop of Chinese heritage in us. Amazing isn't it? Who would have thought you could succeed in life and not have a "Tiger Mom"?

This blog will endeavor to do many things. It might amuse you. It might entertain you. It will definitely at some point make you angry. I promise that you will disagree with me, most likely vehemently disagree with something that I post. However, I hope that you will keep reading. I do not promise that I am always going to be right; these are just my opinions after all. I promise to continue to learn, to evolve and to grow. If one person stops to think about something I have written, then I have accomplished something.

Have a great day and keep reading!

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